Young Adult Fantasy Author
“Bringing you some hopefully ever after!”
Current Projects
The Veil
Seventeen-year-old Saga is determined to uncover the threat to The Veil that has kept her islands concealed for centuries. The Veil grows weaker everyday and a life of certainty and peace transforms into one of fear and chaos. As she embarks on a quest for answers that separates her from her beloved family, she faces devastating loss and the bittersweet pangs of first love before she finally uncovers the truth behind the destruction.
About me
I have no doubt that my eclectic upbringing sparked my early imagination. My dad, a struggling Vietnam Veteran, lived only a state away. But, it often felt like another world when we visited his woodshop/home in the most drug-riddled, impoverished neighborhood of San Francisco. My mom remarried a South Vietnamese refugee and much of our family time was spent immersed in his unfamiliar, yet intriguing, culture. I saw American poverty juxtaposed with newcomers pursuing the American dream.
Those experiences forged in me an understanding of cultural nuance and sensitivity, which led to my selection for a sister-city trip to Japan when I was thirteen years old. A passion for Japanese language and culture took root, bloomed, and grew for the next decade of my life. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Japanese, not English or creative writing.
When I became a mom, nothing mattered more to me than the care and tending of my three daughters. I delighted in raising and immersing them in a steady diet of nature, books, travel, and love. From our home in the forest, I read fantasy books out loud to them until they were old enough to read themselves. They embraced my passion for the written word and, together, we shared a specific love of all things fantastical.
I am grateful for these experiences: the child exposed to diverse cultures, the young woman intrigued by a far away land, and the mother fully committed to her children- because together they formed the core of who I am as a writer.
My stories incorporate Asian folklore and tradition with Western nature conservancy. Through a cinematic lens, I weave together characters with strong family bonds, an acute awareness of the world around them, and a fierce desire to fight for a better future.